From our views in our very pretty apartment we view red-tiled houses, painted in various colors, deep red, pastels, stucco in decay, a spread of buildings which cover the hills. Below us is the main plaza in the Rossio.
The pavement of black and white cobbles is designed to have a bas-relief effect of waves. There are matching fountains either side of the plaza. Along the side leading into the former old Jewish neighborhood, the Alfama, is a wall of tolerance. Nearby is a monument memorializing the genocide, forced conversion, and expulsion of several thousand Jews in the 16th century.
Paul has taken photos of the monument. the Inquisition occuppied the white building in the photo above (now known as the National Theater). There is a Wall of Tolerance along one border of the plaza with messages of tolerance in many languages. An olive tree is also near the small monument memorializing the slaughter of several thousand Jews, during the time of King Manuel, he wanted them to stay, but had no power against a raging mob incited by a priest.
Under that tree water was shot from a canon at the Jews to forcibly convert them. Christians with their useful skills of craftsmanship, and wealth could serve King Manuel.
The benches along the Wall of Tolerance, the ancient memorial olive tree where the slaugrhter took place, and the monument to the Jews of Portugal killed, forcibly converted and slaughtered in the time of the Inquisition are all now used as a place to camp, sell things, and have a "home" by African refugees. It is so sad that the need for refuge continues, and also sad to me that these monuments in the Rossio are not protected as what they are meant to be.
The benches along the Wall of Tolerance, the ancient memorial olive tree where the slaugrhter took place, and the monument to the Jews of Portugal killed, forcibly converted and slaughtered in the time of the Inquisition are all now used as a place to camp, sell things, and have a "home" by African refugees. It is so sad that the need for refuge continues, and also sad to me that these monuments in the Rossio are not protected as what they are meant to be.